MITASU PLATINUM PAO Plus SP 100% Synthetic – differences from PLATINUM PAO SN and frequently asked questions

18 March 2024

The update of the MITASU PLATINUM PAO Plus 100% Synthetic oil series to the latest classification of the American Petroleum Institute (API) – SP has generated a plenty of questions related to this event among users. We will try to answer the most frequently asked ones.

What was the rationale for updating MITASU PLATINUM PAO oils?

At first glance, the Platinum series oils are intended for use in engines of European car manufacturers, whose OEM specifications, like the requirements of the Association of European Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA), have no direct connection with API classifications. However, it must be recognized that for users in many countries of the world, it is the classifications of the American Petroleum Institute that are the features that, due to their simplicity, easily (although not very accurately) distinguish "very good oil" from "just good". In this regard, quite soon after the start of licensing according to API SP and the saturation of the markets with oils of the latest classification, Mitasu Oil Corporation began to receive questions like "why does such an advanced product as Platinum not meet the most modern classification"? In order to prevent a decrease in user interest in the oils of the line, a set of works was carried out related to both updating the products, including composition, packaging and documentation, and obtaining official OEM approvals for new oil compositions.

Why haven't the old MITASU PLATINUM PAO product MJ-references been changed, as was the case with the MITASU GOLD Plus SP 100% Synthetic range?

The answer to this question is obvious: there are no plans for the parallel existence of two series - MITASU PLATINUM PAO Plus SP and MITASU PLATINUM PAO SN 100% Synthetic. The PLATINUM SP line came to replace PLATINUM SN, while the GOLD Plus SP and GOLD SN lines will coexist in the MITASU OIL assortment for quite a long time.


Yes, mixing of PLATINUM oils of SP and SN classes is allowed in any proportions. Checking the compatibility of the "new" and "old" oils is mandatory at Mitasu Oil Corporation during such updates.

We are often asked to show MITASU PLATINUM PAO canisters before and after the change. Using the example of the MJ-111 product (new / old):

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